Here you will find information and illustrations about lamps, remote controls, mains cables, power plugs, lenses and fittings and about all attachments for the Leitz projectors. Of course, it would stay fragmentary, because I try to show only my own accessories. If I show those of other people, it is designated as a virtual item on loan.
Under construction!
Lamps and bulbs for Leitz projectors (incomplete):
1. Screw cap lamp 220V, 100 Watt (Uleja, Ulios, Small Standard-Projector), for low voltage 30 Volt, too, 2. Cine socket bulbs 100 Watt/ 150 Watt: Leitz VIIIa, VIIIb, VIIIg, Parvo 100, Prado 100, Prado 150, Suitcase Projector, Prado S, 3. Cine socket bulbs, 250 Watt (or 300, 375, 400, 500, 750 Watt): Leitz VIIIi, VIIIk, VIIIm, VIIIs, Parvo 250, Prado 250, Prado 500, Prado SM, Pradovit f (the last with base G17 Q), Pradovit Color f, 4. 12-Volt bulb 100 Watt, base Ba 15 s: Pradovit n, Pradolux 5. 12-Volt, 100 Watt bulb with base G17 Q: Pradix, 6. 24-Volt tungsten halogen lamp (150, 250 or 300 Watt): all projectors after Pradolux 24, Pradovit Color 7. top and right: 12v/ 75W halogen cold-light ellipsoid reflector lamp: Pradovit color 110 (incomplete, especially there are bulbs for other voltage)
Remote Controls
l.t.r.: Pradovit n, Pradovit Color, Pradovit RC, Pradovit Color 110, Leica Prado P255 DU, Pradovit IR.
Projector lenses
The english description of the projector lenses will follow soon, soory, please.